Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports PBIS
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
Dear Parent/Guardians:
PBIS is the school-wide behavior system that we use at Franklin Elementary. The philosophy of this framework is that by creating positive learning environments, the students will feel safe and ready to learn. PBIS is a research-based, positive approach for improving behavior and academic outcomes for students. Franklin has developed a common language for behavior expectations in each area of the school. We expect our students to be respectful, responsible, and positive. Students will receive verbal praise that will build internal motivation and praise tickets that will afford them a chance to receive an external reward.
We believe that by teachers modeling positive behaviors, setting clear procedures and routines, engaging students, actively supervising and building strong teacher-student relationships, students will reach their full potential.
Please take time to review with your child the positive expectations being taught at Franklin and be encouraged to implement them at home as well. Research shows that when home and school work together, students learning is more successful. We look forward to an exciting school year full of learning.
Franklin Staff
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