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Franklin Elementary School

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Dr. Acosta, Principal

Rebecca Acosta, Ed.D.

It is with great excitement that I introduce myself to you as the proud principal of Franklin Elementary School!  My name is Dr. Rebecca Acosta and I am joining this incredible community with 18 years of educational experience, 12 of which were spent in the classroom teaching kindergarten, third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade.  I have also been a Teacher on Special Assignment with a focus on reading intervention, a Response to Intervention coach and elementary school administrator for the past four years.

I look forward to sharing my journey, schooling, and details once we get to know one another more.  However, I want to assure you that I am more than excited to lead and work in partnership with you each and every day. 

As an administrator, my focus is the children.  It is my responsibility to ensure our school is a safe and positive environment in which all students have ample opportunities to reach their fullest potential.  I look forward to partnering with you to keep the rich traditions of Franklin alive while creating new ones together.  We will collaborate on school safety, creating a positive school culture through engagement, technology and so much more.  The past year and a half has been a learning experience for all of us.  Supporting each and every student and family through COVID has taught me patience, understanding, and how to truly lead in an equitable manner giving each person what they need, when they need it most.  Here are a few of my key beliefs:

  • It’s always about the kids. 
  • Equity does not mean that everyone gets the same thing.  Sometimes equity includes taking extra steps for a student or family that needs help in order to reach their fullest potential.
  • Be kind, and when you can’t be kind, be gently honest.  Sometimes you must have courageous conversations in order to make things better.
  • Failure is part of the learning process.  It’s how one responds to failure that shows true character.
  • Be a team player and respect others’ experiences, viewpoints and strengths.
  • When you present a problem, be prepared to present solutions as you are proposing to help solve the problem.
  • We are a family!  We support one another and lift one another up in times of grief, times of struggle and times of success.  
  • My door is ALWAYS open to you!  If you need to share a success, struggle or concern, I will always be here.

Can't wait to meet all of you real soon!

In Partnership,

Rebecca Acosta, Ed.D.


Email Principal Acosta

Gayle Dockham, Assistant Principal